Course model

Here will be list of suggestions for course.
For sake of shortness and meaningful let's call it Courcetiquiette (like Etiquette, Netiquiette)
Rule 1. Slides
If course presented as a slides, they are:
1) Should be available for download
2) Slides should be in pdf format
3) Related documents should be combined in one single document by default
4) Study cases should be separated

Rule 2. Programming code
If course has examples in any computer language, the code:
1) Should be available for download
2) Should has comments
3) Should be supported with pre-requirements such a OS platform, language version, framework version


Interesting quote about Cybernetics from WIkipedia:
Pure cybernetics
Pure cybernetics studies systems of control as a concept, attempting to discover the basic principles underlying such things as

- Artificial intelligence
- Robotics
- Computer Vision
- Control systems
- Emergence
- Learning organization
- New Cybernetics
- Second-order cybernetics
- Interactions of Actors Theory
- Conversation Theory

It has inside Learning organisation!
And furthermore: Learning organisation related with Knowledge management
We should dig in more into it :)

What is our mind?

Really nice article about brain,mind and mindmapping
Available in:
- electronic version
- book version
- mind map version
Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School


Well spending A LOT of time in reading I got some opinion. I think the that more 150-200 page total is a BAD book.
WHY? Because you are loosing structure of information in such a book. The idea or method or technique or whatever should be easy to understand. You can have many thing to say, but if you writing something it should be something in conclusion not a bla bla bla.
Does it mean if you have to say a lot you should CUT it? Not at all! Idea is making really good structure of data and data visualisation. Making a book it's not a RACE - make it short, informative - easy to use. If you have Many thing to say, make a "categories" chapters of books - not chapters inside of book.
One of greatest modern professors of physics Stephen Hawking "each equation halves the book sales rule", I believe the Size of book affect almost the same rule.

So make it SHORT, INFORMATIVE and EASY - do not think about time because if it's good book, yuo will present it fro many future generations ahead.