Subtitles 2.0

Finally I came up with the idea of a new Subtitles representation, named in a fancy style:
Subtitles 2.0
So, what is Subs2.0?

This is a improvement of web-based video, allowing it to include any type of additional information in real-time: text, pictures, links, books etc.

Now I see Subs2.0 features like that:

-Platform-independent, flash-based

Fully customizable text in "old subs" mode: size, colour, font

New subs mode - side panel, not attached, but being a part of a video, filled with any type of information, connected with video.

Socialize. Anyone can make Subs2.0 to any video. e.g., the creator of the video made no subs, or only english ones. Now anyone can create new subs.

Simple web subs tool, allowing users to make new subs fast and fancy.

What's that for?
Basically this pushes educational videos to the completely new quality level.
Imagine a professor, reading a video-lecture, and you can see all formulas and texts in a side-panel, he mentions a book and in that moment you see a link to the library web-site.
You may fill that panel with live examples of smthn that goes up in the lecture.

to be continued