How to teach people math

Main idea: math ≠ calculating
math ≥ calculating
Solution: teach people math using computers
pdf version

The five elements of a perfect blog post

Interesting article about writing posts from Mark W. Schaefer

SlideShare goes to college

Studycase about SlideShare in Cockrell School of Engineering(University of Texas)
Basic idea of this similar to YouTube channels, but only instead of video will be slides, provided by SlideShare service.
Full article
Cockrell School SlideShare channe
Cockrell School of Engineering web site

Moodle studycase

Небольшая статья об использовании системы Moodle в ЕГУ
Moodle: новая система дистанционного обучения ЕГУ

Slackers Better at "Fun" Activities

Another article from Scientific American telling that
Reminding low achievers of the importance of a task may backfire.

Every teacher knows there are students who always seem to be a step ahead of everyone else. And then there are the slackers, who are just as intelligent but who don’t seem to mind being mediocre. The difference seems obvious: some people are inherently motivated to succeed, whereas others simply don’t care. But a study conducted by psychologists William Hart, now at the University of Alabama, and Dolores Albarracin of the University of Illinois suggests otherwise. Simply reframing a task as “fun” caused the underachievers to outperform those who usually excelled—indicating that the way an educator describes an activity might have a powerful influence on how well students do on it.

The researchers first screened participants of comparable academic ability, categorizing them as interested in achievement or interested in fun. They then had the students look at a computer screen that flashed words related to high achievement (for instance, “win,” “excel” and “master”). In subsequent tests of ability such as a word-search puzzle, the participants who were interested in achievement performed significantly better than did those who were not.

That experiment confirmed conven tional assumptions, but the next one had a confounding outcome. Participants were again primed with high-achievement words and asked to complete a word-search puzzle. But instead of describing the task as a serious test of verbal pro ficiency as before, the researchers called it “fun.” The results of that simple seman tic change were profound: not only did the supposed slackers perform better on the task this time around, their scores actually surpassed those of the high-achievement crowd.

The study authors point out that for some students, when a task is portrayed as “fun,” not only does their motivation improve, but their performance does, too. Educators and parents should take note, the researchers say, and be careful to frame activities so that they engage students with a range of learning styles.


О мотивации

Перевод интерьвью Клэйа Ширки и Дэниела Пинк журналу Wired
Избыточное сознание: великая революция неиспользуемого времени

Bonus: книги
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age

Pre feedback exam

Here is idea of socialising exam or even exam web 2.0 :)
During the course students can make guess what could be on the exam, using feedback web from. It will help to:
1) Summarise entire course for student, understand main topics and deepnest of details
2) To teacher receive student "understanding" of course
3) Form exam questions easily, if questions are good teacher could accept it and will be automatically added to Exam questions DB.

Система электронных дневников

Новый проект на Django под лицензией New BSD License
Сайт проекта


Пишу пока на русском потом переведу.
На мой взгляд математика не не наука, точнее не совсем наука. Это Очень большой инструмент, но однако он не объясняет ничего. Счас приведу пример что бы было понятно: Психология - наука которая объясняет/моделирует поведение человека, Физика - наука котрая объясняет/моделирует поведение мира, Математика - наука которая объясняет/моделирует поведение числел и множеств, что сами по себе не существуют.
На мой взгляд метематика должна развиваться отдельно так же как к примеру языки, тоесть она не совсем является технической наукой. Даже пример с калькулятором, зачем я должен считать в уме, есль я могу посчитать на калькуляторе и это приведет к Одинаковому результату. Тоесть в примере с языком разговаривая на английском языке с людьми из Турции, Мексико, Латвии и России что бы сказать слово Автостоп, зачем я должен изпользовать Hitch-hiking если я могу сказать Auto-stop и мы поймем друг друга без заминки. (Другим примером может служить Football и Soccer)
Так же о докозательствах теорем, зачем я должен доказывать что слово "ещё" надо писать не "истчо" если так уже было решено, доказано и выработано задолго до моего рождения. Я конечно могу сомневаться почему так, но тогда стоит учится в этом направлении и заниматься этим. Но если мне нужно посчитать расстояние между точками - зачем мне проходить весь путь от Архимедовой гипотенузы до Расстояния Минковского в многомерном пространстве, а не просто сказать что для вычисления расстояния стоит использовать Евклидово расстояние, и дать ссылку на выводы формул и доказательства если мне это вдруг понадобится. Тоесть не заниматься разъснением зачем так решать и каким методом, а ставить и решать реальную задачу.

Course model

Here will be list of suggestions for course.
For sake of shortness and meaningful let's call it Courcetiquiette (like Etiquette, Netiquiette)
Rule 1. Slides
If course presented as a slides, they are:
1) Should be available for download
2) Slides should be in pdf format
3) Related documents should be combined in one single document by default
4) Study cases should be separated

Rule 2. Programming code
If course has examples in any computer language, the code:
1) Should be available for download
2) Should has comments
3) Should be supported with pre-requirements such a OS platform, language version, framework version


Interesting quote about Cybernetics from WIkipedia:
Pure cybernetics
Pure cybernetics studies systems of control as a concept, attempting to discover the basic principles underlying such things as

- Artificial intelligence
- Robotics
- Computer Vision
- Control systems
- Emergence
- Learning organization
- New Cybernetics
- Second-order cybernetics
- Interactions of Actors Theory
- Conversation Theory

It has inside Learning organisation!
And furthermore: Learning organisation related with Knowledge management
We should dig in more into it :)

What is our mind?

Really nice article about brain,mind and mindmapping
Available in:
- electronic version
- book version
- mind map version
Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School


Well spending A LOT of time in reading I got some opinion. I think the that more 150-200 page total is a BAD book.
WHY? Because you are loosing structure of information in such a book. The idea or method or technique or whatever should be easy to understand. You can have many thing to say, but if you writing something it should be something in conclusion not a bla bla bla.
Does it mean if you have to say a lot you should CUT it? Not at all! Idea is making really good structure of data and data visualisation. Making a book it's not a RACE - make it short, informative - easy to use. If you have Many thing to say, make a "categories" chapters of books - not chapters inside of book.
One of greatest modern professors of physics Stephen Hawking "each equation halves the book sales rule", I believe the Size of book affect almost the same rule.

So make it SHORT, INFORMATIVE and EASY - do not think about time because if it's good book, yuo will present it fro many future generations ahead.


Project Fedena is the open source school management system based on Ruby on Rails. It was initially developed by a team of developers at Foradian Technologies.

Also available some screencasts:

1. Introduction
2. Login to Fedena
3. Academic year migration intro
4. Create academic year
5. New Academic Year
6. Timetable
7. User management
More information here

My opinion it's kind of promising project for school or college, will see what will be in future with it...

Free Dean’s Office(Электронный деканат)

Free Dean's Office (Электронный деканат) - это модуль для среды дистанционного обучения Moodle, который добавляет возможность управления процессом обучения, типичным для российских школ, колледжей и ВУЗов. Free Dean's Office позволяет оперировать такими объектами, как "Предмет", "Дисциплина", "Группа", "Семестр", "Учебный план на семестр", "Итоговые оценки по дисциплинам", "Расписание очных занятий".
Free Dean's Office является свободным программным обеспечением и распространяется под лицензией GNU GPL.
Подробности тут ->
А тут можно скачать ->


Great article about taking notes, more usefull for research and science than for pure education.
How to Take Notes like Thomas Edison

Web 2.0 Taxonomy chart

I created this chart to help teachers determine the best Web 2.0 tools to use in the classroom.

Original post here

Distance education for schools

Here is a new Russian project called РИШ(Российская Интеренет Школа)

Wolfram|Alpha Homework day

Yes I know this news a little bit late, but still it was amazing event showing how to solve may many problems related to education and getting many answers to the questions that every student asking himself/herself/others around every day.
This Site will help you to solve them.

P.S. I want that Alpha sticker :)

Информационный терминал

От ребят из НРТК

Начали проект по созданию информационного терминала для студентов нашего колледжа. Целью проекта является создание интерактивного информационного табло с возможностью получения информации по учебному процессу и необходимых медиаматериалов на собственные USB носители. Терминал будет представлять собой небольшой шкаф с интерактивным экраном и usb портом для подключения носителей данных пользователей. Все желающие смогут получить информацию о колледже, посмотреть расписание, скопировать себе необходимое Свободное Программное Обеспечение и методические материалы.


Again and again convinced that is really nice format for all kind of documents. There is representative, protected and without any kind of format or printing problems. And I think it should be used everywhere where you have work with edocumentation. But today I've discovered for myself even more features of PDF. It's called 3D PDF and basically allowed you to see 3D images right into the document, well with my default PDF reader on my Mac it does not working, I've seen how it works on Adobe PDF reader and it's really cool!
Here is a video how it works

Об образовании сейчас

Понравилась цитата пользователя Хабра ITdirector
"количество информации растет экспоненциально, информация быстро устаревает. Программы ВУЗов пока не способны так динамично меняться, тогда как самообразование студентов автоматически адаптируется к современным реалиям. Сейчас то, что человек помнит второстепенно по сравнению со скоростью поиска и усвоения (понимания) новой информации." очень точно выражет точно что происходит сейчас.
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