General conception

New comer students should understand what they want from university study. Ranks of universities is nothing, because it is not showing internal life.
General ways of explaining for new comer student
FACE2FACE CONVERSATIONS (with students, assistants, professors, chefs without limitation)
>>PROMOTION OF SCIENCES (like a science popularisation "Elegant Universe" or "Eureka" but into the university)

should not have a strict program, they just can choose a direction of science(computer sciences, electronics, biocybernetics) BUT have possibility change subjects or field if they really can show that they are want and ready

should be always ready to study (what students telling for them or new technologies) and working/resting with students together if it possible - I mean not students and professors should be not estimate drink or ride in mountains together
The professor should be not have problems with money, if his subject really important and interesting. Solve of this problem - pay money proportional of quantity of attending students. 'couse really difficult to work with big auditorium.

should be independence from
>>government or military
>>energy or country (remember Ukrainian conflict)
>>using science achievements for man of Earth - not only the county,
>>in the specific field is independence from MONEY, although money it's bigest stimulus - sometimes is not true (remember House M.D.)

Of course this is ideal model, and my English kind of poor - but I hope 4apay you've got my point. Anyway I'm waiting your comments :)

4apay's comments.

Well, i agree with most of it, Gleb. But think of this - without having even a "weak" studiying programm, student's attention may be really distracted and/or distributed so he or she won't be able to concentrate on smthn. Well, maybe i'm wrong.

On independence from everything - damn right. Ideal univercity should have its own solar and wind plants.

On money. HOW do you see it - independence from money? You may minimize this dependence, but i don't believe in complete independence.

I was also thinking of the place for this Univercity - but we'll discuss it later.